moments by the river…

There seems to be nothing wrong that I can pinpoint, yet I feel the emotions rising up inside of me. I park the car and after traversing through the bindi eye patches I remove my shoes. I feel instant relief from their restrictions and my re-connection to the earth.

“The river is calling, and I must go”…

As I walk, my feet are in contact with the mud below. I feel the coolness of the mud nurture the soles of my feet - my feet accepting the soothing healing that is taking place. Walking further along, the mud is starting to dry out and the smooth cool mud takes on another form of cracking hardness beneath my feet, feeling the crunching as the mud breaks where I walk. The change in sensations becomes apparent as I continue along my journey, nothing else exists in this moment, apart from the sensations beneath my feet.

I am now sitting by the river and the sounds are taking my focus. The cry of the black cockatoos overhead, the ancient primitive cries that they make. Mixed with the sounds of the wind in the trees, rustling noises that ebb and flow as the wind crosses through the boughs. first with intensity then calm like a lover’s embrace. It reminds me of an orchestra at play and I am in wonder and awe at the great composers to be able to transpose these moments into music for us all to appreciate.

My wish is to stay always like this, living quietly in a corner of nature” - Claude Monet

At play in the background are the sounds of the birds and the crickets, small shrilling birds that play happily in the trees. The river is gently flowing in the distance with a babbling sound as it escapes through some rocks, then continues on its journey. There are turtles in the small dam nearby and I can hear them as they duck down underneath the surface or splash into the river from their sitting place on the rocks. There is a roar of a motor bike in the distance which is unobtrusive and barely audible from my seated position by the river.

“You will be calm the day that you learn to sit alone and do nothing”. - Maxime Lagace

As I am sitting here emotions wash over me as to the subtle beauty that I am witness to, here in this moment, and a sadness overrides me to the thought that I wish that there was some way to bottle this perfection and beauty that I am feeling. To be able to pass this around to every person to experience. Like a magic potion that I could capture to support all of mankind. I wish that I could wave some kind of magic wand to allow the beauty of this moment and this place touch all those who are in need, to witness and experience this, sitting alone by the river.

There is also a deep sadness that I am able to tap into this beauty that surrounds me, yet unable to pass it on or share it. and for others to be healed by the depths of this beauty and this moment..

I step into the river and let the cool water wash over me. Letting my tears flow and continue their journey forward as a whole with the rest of the river, now becoming a part of the journey forward. Leaving my body and joining the river, strengthening my connection with the flow of it all. The sadness momentarily leaves as I observe with wonder the completely different textures of the rocks underneath me. So many shapes, sizes and colours glistening in the sun on the bottom of the riverbed.

I am abruptly interrupted when the sounds of birds fighting overhead takes over the peace and tranquility. a currawong is attacking a smaller, possibly baby bird. more birds quickly fly to its defense - dive bombing the currawong until it lets go of its prey. peace is once again restored…

My time here has left me with a peacefulness and a deep connection that I had longed for, yet was unable to obtain it at home. May you also be privy to this wonderful connection and to the beauty that surrounds you when you sit alone by the river.

And if you feel the call of the river, take the time to venture there alone, place your phone on silent and take out your journal and capture the moments of deep connection that support your journey with the natural world…May you also feel the deep beauty that resides both within you and with all that surrounds you…

I observe the completely different textures of the rocks underneath me. So many shapes, sizes and colours glistening in the sun.


Connecting with your sense of smell


The lost art of rituals - sitting by a fire