what is nature therapy

calm ∘ intrigue ∘ nourish


There is a specific intention to connect to nature in a healing way

Mindfully moving through the landscape in ways that cultivate presence, opening all the senses and actively communicating with the land and beings

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nature, earth, beach, sky

Healing interactions require giving generously of our attention, with a focus on slowing down and awakening the senses.

This experience invites room for listening, healing and reflection.

It encourages one to become fully present through an evolving series of invitations, sometimes made in the moment by listening to the environment and understanding what is on offer.

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forest dreaming

If things are overwhelming and you don’t know how to cope, taking time out in nature can re-balance you

We may not realise that our senses are on overload from so much use of technology. Also our senses are also being shut down due to not having to think so much for ourselves anymore.

sometimes we need to just go and sit with the trees and listen to their wisdom 

  • Noticing

  • Quiet moments

  • Appreciating

  • Slowing down

  • Looking deeply externally & internally

  • Listening & acknowledging

  • Coming back to your ‘Self’

What happens on a walk?

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  • A Nature Therapy walk is usually around 3 hours long

  • You will be gently guided by a series of Invitations that you perform in a way that is comfortable for you

  • After each invitation we join together as a group to share if you wish- silence is also sharing

  • The walk is completed by a Tea Ceremony served with snacks

A nature therapy walk is a gentle stroll, not going far. there is no destination. it is simply about being in the moment

We need silence for magic to appear. No phones, no cameras, no chatting to each other. This makes it your journey between you and nature.

It is a time for you to go back to the simplicity of being a child and remembering the joy that watching an ant or looking at the clouds or touching a stone made you feel

Scientific Research

Our immune system is compromised due to the constant stressors of life…

There has been scientific research done to measure the effects by saliva tests measuring Cortisol pre and post-walk. 

  • Forest therapy walkers have reduced cortisol markers whereas city walkers have increased markers

  • NK (Natural Killer) cells are increased when in nature

Without realising it people are addicted to stress and technology. In severe cases, the addiction could take as long as 3-4 days in the wilderness to stop.

Our Fight or flight syndrome is in a constant state of stress.  When we live in a culture as we do there is a low-grade accumulation of stress.

Read more about the benefits of health on my blog here.

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