do you have a hallowed place to go?
What is a “Hallowed Place”. - To find a place that has divine power, that is made holy. A place that is respected, praised, sacred and honoured - A sanctuary is a hallowed place… Where is yours? Do you have one?
“Take time to be still, in a hollowed place in nature and you’ll discover that you are connected to everything”. - Denise Lim
Do you have a Hallowed place to go to in Nature? Somewhere that you feel is sacred, a place of reverence? I think that we all need a special place to go to simply ‘BE’. A place that is special to you. A place where you can relax and stop the constant train of noise and thoughts.
This may be a place where you go to when you have troubled thoughts, somewhere to go to when the problems in your life seem to overwhelm you. Or, maybe just a place where you go to re-balance yourself.
A Church was a “Hallowed Place” where people used to go to when they needed to be in solitude.
A place where people would sit and pray and ask for guidance.
Where do you go now?
Sitting in a forest is my “Hallowed Place”. It’s a place where I feel at peace. It’s a place where I am a part of my surroundings and I can leave all of the outer world behind. It is my sanctuary, a place to meditate and contemplate. The ancient trees that surround me as I breathe in and out the life giving oxygen that they create. The sounds of the birds and insects that flutter and move around me, creating a chorus and song that is momentary and never repeated completely the same. The ever changing ground that is below me that I sit and walk upon, connecting me to the earth below … This is where I stop being a single entity, a ‘me’ person, and where I become a part of all of creation. It’s both an empowering and humbling feeling.
“Forests are like churches, hallowed places. There's a stillness about them, a sort of reverence.” -Sabrina Elkins
Have you ever thought that your breath is becoming a part of the constant regeneration of the place where you are? Have you ever stopped to pick up a handful of earth and really examine it and smell it?
Our footsteps and where we are sitting create a lasting impression on the earth. Do you enter a forest with your eyes, ears and heart open? Or do you just rush into the bush and trek through without any thought to the lasting effects of your being there?
Entering a “Hallowed Place” is going there with intention. Not only intention to become quiet and at peace within yourself, but also to be fully present with your surroundings. To possibly experience the miracles that appear when you walk through with this in mind.
I think that we all need a “Hallowed Place” to go to, to ‘be’ in. There are ancient forests around me, so I’m extremely lucky. When I feel the calling I empty my day and go there, and come home so much better for having gone there. Do you know where your “Hallowed Place” is? It may even be at a beach or a Park!