Connecting with the sense of sight and sound
I’m sitting outside on a blanket among the falling winter leaves …
Eyes closed, I lift my head high…I listen intently to the sounds around me, my ears becoming acutely aware of the chorus of the forest…
“If you listen carefully, the silence is beautiful” - the absolute quote
I’m sitting outside on a blanket among the falling autumn leaves. When the wind blows they gently, gracefully drift towards the ground.
It’s like a parade starting up to the conductor’s signal, the wind being the conductor. - Then the symphony begins!
The different trees creating a background humming, like a choir chorus that ebbs and flows in intensity, sometimes the creaking of a tree branch coming in like a bass drum.
I’m surrounded by an amphitheater of music. It is magical. The bees create a constant buzzing noise, hardly audible unless the wind has quietened down.
A feeling of connection and unity becomes apparent - then an opening up of infinite possibilities appear. My awareness of my surroundings becoming acutely sharpened.
The magpies come in at intervals calling to one another at just the right time, this puts a smile on my face. The plane overhead whirs as it moves along the weightless sky, it also belongs in the symphony and has its place here.
I find a stillness that exists inside of me, I become calmer - my breathing slows down and a gentleness like a wave flows over me…
The sun has been momentarily been blocked out by the thick grey clouds overhead, creating an illuminated edge that is filled with promises of brightness to be revealed at any moment. There are no shadows, no depth to anything, no light or shade while the sun is being held hostage by the great grey clouds.
I await in eager anticipation for the sun to be once again released and watch for the transformations that follow from all it touches. Beyond the grey cloud is blue sky - warmth and glory and I long for my body to be wrapped in its touch - like a lover who has left me momentarily, I am cold and drained of all life and colour.
When the sun reappears there is once again depth to the world and life, and I am transformed along with all it touches. I can now see all of they tiny flying insects as they zip and dart from one plant to another, following their senses and their own inner guidance to do what they naturally do.
The simplicity of nature, yet the absolute complexity of infrastructure that we are a part of. Something that we mostly miss in our busy lives daily…
Taking time out in quite observation, fills the soul with glory once more…
even 30 minutes in quite observation supports your well being.
find a space that you feel safe and comfortable to sit quietly in
turn off your phone
have a journal handy to write down your observations
give thanks for the simplicity of quietly sitting and observing…
The symphony of sounds…