is the dark of the night calling you outside?
The night seems to be calling me, waking me from the depths of my slumber to wander outside and be with the Natural World around me…
Everything is different outside at night, everything seems to become more alive, there is a depth to the trees that I don’t notice during the day…
“i wander and I sit through the dark hours of the night and breathe in the cool night air”
Have you ever woken up through the night and gone and wandered around your yard or simply sat outside? Is this too scary for you? Does this bring up stories of the “Boogeyman” for you?
For me, it is the best time to wander or sit in my yard. I just love it, and sometimes I am woken from my sleep every night for a week after a few hours sleep. I feel like I am being called outside to enjoy the night sky and the energies that surround me. This is mostly on a full moon, when the moon is so very bright, shining down on me like I am in the “spotlight” with its glow and power so strong I feel like I am on stage.
It is like magic, the exchange of energy that I can see happening between the plants and trees at night time. There is a depth that you don’t notice during the day.
As I sit on my hammock during the night, I wait and allow my eyes to adjust to the darkness. I prefer to sit in the dark than to have a torch or light on, after all I want to be a part of what is going on outside, not to intrude on anything. I have sat in my hammock during the night and heard a noise above me and then heard the familiar sounds of a possum above me with their “dududu” noise that they make. It was more or less saying to me, get away I was here first!
Everything is different outside at night time. Everything seems to become more alive, have more depth and the energy is easier to see. There is a power to the trees that I don’t notice during the daylight hours and I can see the exchange between them easier.
It is as if they are embracing me with their energies, beckoning me to play together with them…
The movement is subtle, yet strong, it is there, it is always there - if we take the time to notice. I sit and watch the stars above me and try and work out where the cup and saucer or Southern Cross is (this is about the depth of my star knowledge). I love watching the clouds moving along the night sky, it mesmerizes me as I watch them floating by sometimes so very, very fast. Or if I am lucky enough I may see a shooting star!
Also the sounds of the night are different. There are different bird sounds and the insects and frogs as well. I close my eyes and really listen deeply to where they are all coming from or moving around. I sometimes hear rustling around me and I quite often see a bandicoot or cane toads (yuck)!
The vibrations change, they dance and move with my own body’s vibrations. it is like a magic, the exchange that I can see happening.
I am alone, yet I am not alone. I am a part of this exchange if I allow myself the time to observe and sit with it. We are so conditioned to staying inside at night time for some reason we think that it is dangerous to venture outside during the night. I often take a cup of tea out with me and a piece of toast. I usually stay outside until I feel sleepy again or sometimes I may get an idea while being out there and then I go back inside and journal it down before heading back of to bed again.
I have come up with some of my most creative ideas in the middle of the night while sitting outside. it is like things somehow become clearer, like there is a direct link with my creative mind and the stillness and peacefulness of the night.
There are also glow worms at my place and as I sit I can see them glowing like stars along the banks. They bring child-like fascination to me and a real sense of wonder and beauty at these tiny larvae.
What I do during this time:
Give myself permission to sit and be with all that surrounds me
Open myself up to whatever mad creative ideas that may arise
Shadow play if the moon is out and I love seeing the shadows on the ground from the trees
Stare up at the stars and out into the deep night sky, this gives me perspective of how small I am and how abundant the universe is
Write down and journal any insight and ideas or things to let go of.
I would love to hear if you also do this, or have done this before. Or if you haven’t sat outside in the middle of the night then has this inspired you to do so? Maybe you also get woken up in the middle of the night, but lie in bed and toss and turn trying to will yourself back to sleep? You may like to try heading outside instead and see if you get inspired or if you can see the energies dancing around you.
Happy night time sitting in the dark!
The magic of the Full Moon draws me outside to sit in its spotlight. I feel like it is there for my healing…