creating your own sit spot...
The best thing you can do for yourself is to create a place at home or close by where you can go and just “BE” with nature on a daily basis. This is not only very healing for you and nature but it also allows you to become present and connected to all that is…
This is my special place where I sit - The natural world has shown me so much by daily use of this beautiful spot and allowed me to become present and open to all of the changes that are continually happening around me…
“The earth has its music for those who will listen.” ―George Santayana
I had never heard of a ‘Sit Spot’ before my training as a guide with Association of Nature and Forest Therapy (ANFT). But it has become a very invaluable tool.
What is a Sit Spot? It is somewhere that you can go, to listen, clear your mind and slow down. It is somewhere you can sit and observe all that is around you, where you can become at one with your surroundings, not separate from them.
“You should sit in nature for 20 minutes a day…Unless you’re busy, then you should sit for an hour”. - Old Zen Meditation
I use my ‘Sit Spot’ on a daily basis. It is where I start my day from. I take my cup of tea out there and I sit, listen, look and feel what is happening in my surroundings. No phone, no people, nothing but myself and my surroundings. It is the most wonderful start to the day.
The above quote is so right. It takes at least 20 minutes for you to blend into your surroundings and become ‘one’ with all that is. I can sometimes be sitting there for all that time observing and listening and then all of a sudden I will actually see what is really there in front of me.
A tree branch is not a branch at all but a tawny frog mouth owl! It is a wonderful magic trick that nature plays on you. Until you are ready you will not see what is there all the time, right in front of your eyes.
A wishing seed like a little fairy brings me joy and wonder as it floats past me…
All of a sudden a flower, so delicate and beautiful will jump out and say ‘here I am’. Things start to come alive and the world starts to look brighter and lighter around me. Sometimes just sitting and watching the way that the wind moves through the leaves is the most magical thing of all, I feel like I am the wind.
I journal all of these wonders that I see. Sometimes writing small verses of poetry, I am sometimes drawn to tears by the beauty of what I am seeing, things that I may have missed if I didn’t take the time to sit and listen and observe.
You just need to find a place that is accessible on a daily basis and make the time to go there and be…
“Sometimes you have to remove all of the dead, unwanted rubbish to allow the full beauty of what is to shine through”
This makes my sit spot the best place in the world…I wonder what yours will be like? I would love to hear some of your stories.
The intoxicating scent of the flowers, trees and grasses
The orchestral sounds of the birds, insects and wind in the trees
The overwhelming beauty of the ever changing skyline
The amazing life that the sun brings when it begins to awaken
The deep connection to all beings so subtle, yet so strong
I found this article on a Complete Guide to Using A Sit Spot…
There is a face in this dancing flower….amazing!