Why Walk barefoot – “Kissing the Earth”
I almost always go barefoot when I am outside. I have done this for many years. Have you ever tried it?
It isn’t a “Hippy thing” that I am doing. It is a conscious choice that I make.
I don’t go barefoot in town on the pavement and concrete. It is the earth that I want to feel under my feet. The concrete isn’t alive, it’s flat and dead. But walking on the earth there are subtle movements that I feel underneath my feet, even an earthworm at times!
I choose to walk barefoot at the beach, bush and in nature as often as I can.
Barefoot in the Bush…
Barefoot Connections…
I was out bushwalking with a friend the other day and we stopped and spoke to a couple of girls along the way. One of them saw that I had no shoes on and asked me “How do you cope walking barefoot”? My immediate reply was that I am used to it and I feel more comfortable without shoes on in the bush.
Then when I arrived home I thought about this more deeply and I came to realise that if I have shoes on I feel disconnected to the earth and my surroundings, it’s like there is a barrier in the way for me.
I am using my feel as my sensors when I walk to help me connect to all that I’m touching. I’m walking on tree roots, rocks, dirt, leaves, and probably small insects and fungi as well. By walking with bare feet I am connecting to all that I touch and it also helps me to slow down and take mindful steps.
I got to thinking that if I touch a tree with my hands, I feel that tree, the textures, whether it is dry or moist, I actually feel the energy of the tree. The same thing happens for me with my feet
We have been taught since small children to wear shoes. Put your shoes on or you may tread on something that could hurt or harm you. We are desensitising our bodies from a very young age. We could tread on something that may bite us if we are not careful and mindful but this is all a part of taking it slowly.
Overtime I have worked up to being okay with walking in the bush barefoot, but I didn’t start out doing this right away. And I am not saying for everyone to go out there and do it, you need to make that decision for yourself. There are dangers out there if you are not careful. I started by being barefoot in the yard, then I wore shoes in the bush at the beginning of my walk, and slowly after I felt comfortable I took them off. Until now I am at the point where I rarely even start with shoes on.
I wonder if you would you like to have a try at this?
Maybe you could start by picking a patch of grass that looks relatively safe and doesn’t have a million Bindi eyes in it. Take off your shoes and socks and just stand in the one spot and direct your attention to your feet, how does it feel for you? You could then start to take a few steps around and walk like your feet are “Kissing the Earth”.
You could experiment with this, can you feel a difference between having your shoes off and having your shoes on?
My feet are extremely smooth underneath, almost slippery smooth, I guess over time the grooves have worn away. They are quite soft as well. I think going barefoot removes all of the dead skin.
I would love to hear if you have tried this and what you experienced.
There is a song by Ajeet Kaur that says, “Kiss the earth you walk upon, with your steps”. What a beautiful way to become one with nature.
Blessings, Tracey